Eve, 1882, by Auguste Rodin. Purchased 1959 with Lindsay Buick Bequest funds.
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Te Papa (1959-0029-1)

Remembering Rodin
Toured by Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand
21 February – 19 April, 2020
‘Remembering Rodin’, showcases New Zealand’s most significant Rodin sculpture, Eve.
Eve was completed by the French Master sculptor in 1882 and 15 bronze copies were cast from it in 1959 (one of which was purchased by the National Museum of New Zealand, now Te Papa).
The bronze is 75cm tall and weighs 22 kg.
The sculpture comes to the gallery from Te Papa Tongarewa’s collection. The exhibition includes a lithographic portrait of Rodin(1914) by his famous contemporary Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and a rare leather-bound edition of Gustav Coquiot’s Rodin (Paris 1915) with 15 hand-tipped photographs.
A short video accompanying the exhibition tells the story of Eve and the process of casting the bronzes.

21 February – 26 April, 2020, Gallery 1
Percy Thomson Director Rhonda Bunyan curated an exhibition featuring Taranaki artists to complement Te Papa Tongarewa’s touring exhibition, Te Whakamahara ki a Rodin, ‘Remembering Rodin’, the star of which is Rodin’s Eve. The exhibition was closed four weeks early due to the Covid-19 Lockdown. All artworks are included in this virtual exhibition. Enjoy.

Pantea Rastegari

A Glass Of Tea
Pantea Rastegari

Reclining Nude in black ink, 2019, Peter Lambert
Indian ink and acrylic on board $2200

Kayla Upton
Bronze on reclaimed rimu
Limited bronze editions of 9

Claire Jensen
Beach clean alkathene pipes and steel
$550 SOLD

Kayla Upton
Bronze on reclaimed rimu
Limited bronze editions of 9

Kayla Upton
Bronze on reclaimed rimu
Limited bronze editions of 9

Jana Branca
Oil on canvas
$2700 SOLD

Jo Stallard
Oil on canvas

I Am Becoming, Maree Burnnand
Embroidery $950

Colours Of The Wild
Rhonda Crawford

In Between It All I Lie Floating, Michaela Stoneman
Monoprint and gold leaf $920

The Threshold Lives Here With Me, Michaela Stoneman
Monoprint and gold leaf $920

Kris White
Acrylic on canvas

In Line
Ian Axtel
Acrylic on canvas

Striding Out, Cherie Dodds
Acrylic SOLD

Catholic Sisters’ Graves
Rhonda Bunyan

Amy Taunt

Untitled, Antonia O’Mahony
Monoprint, etching, lithography, hand-dyed paper

Old Lion
Donna Willard-Moore
Bronze casting

Joshua Sands
Ceramic sculpture

Standard Candle
David Le Fleming
Oil on car bonnet

Summer Dahlias, Carina McQueen
Oil on panel $320 SOLD

Morning Light on Dahlias, Carina McQueen
Oil on panel $280

Jagged Edges
Maria Brockhill
Clay, glazes and oxides
$400 SOLD

Memories Of A Happy Child
Renate Verbrugge
Taranaki andesite, Carrara marble, wood, string

Butterfly Girl
Rachael Davies

The Passage Way
Anna Korver
White Italian marble and black granite

Eve, Stu Morris
Oil on canvas $950

Guardian, Oriah Rapley
Bronze ED.3/9 $2500

Cave Rescue
Jennifer Patterson

(Left) Grasses 1, Dianna Fary
Oil on canvas $750
Grasses 2, Dianna Fary
Oil on canvas $750

Bushfires Triptych, Tony Rumball
Oil on stretched canvas $17,000

Embers, Jeanette Verster
Fibre $500 SOLD

Michael Gow Cloud
Michael Smither

First Impression
Steve Molloy
Photography (1 of 9)

A Cloud To Hold In Your Hand
Michael Smither

Woven Landscape
Howard Tuffery
Stone – Taranaki andesite

Thinking about Eve
Tribute to Rodin
Rick Wood
Ceramic (set of 2)
$350 each

The Three People
Graham Mulvay

Global Warming
Graham Mulvay

21 February – 19 April, 2020
Gallery 2
Bunyan's first major solo contemporary photographic exhibition, at Percy Thomson Gallery, was cut short by the Covid-19 Lockdown.
In this photographic exhibition Bunyan explores the nature of shapes, patterns and shadows in water and sand, to create ghostly black and white images, luminous and dreamlike, akin to what she perceives ‘memory traces’ to be in her own brain.
An engram is a unit of cognitive information inside the brain, theorised to be the means by which memories are stored as biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain in response to external stimuli. The exact mechanism and location of neurologically defined engrams has been a focus of persistent research for many decades.
In this exhibition Bunyan asks the viewer to look deep, to interpret each work from their own memory traces.